2nd European Woodfire Conference to be held in Skælskør, Denmark from the 28th -31st August 2014.

Skælskør is a small coastal town one and a half hours by road from Copenhagen. From Copenhagen Airport, or the Main Station, trains run to Slagelse where you change to bus nr 470 to Skælskør. Link here allows you to plan your journey. Enter "Skælskør Bus Station" as destination.
A list of accommodation options in Skælskør can be found here on this blog.

Thursday 28 August 2014

Udstillinger i Skælskør

”The 2nd European Woodfire Conference” 


Guldagergaard afholder konferencen ”The 2nd European Woodfire Conference” fra torsdag den 28. august til den 31. august, og ikke færre end 150 deltagere fra 19 nationer vil gæste Skælskør i disse dage, hvor hele byen vil være synlig mærket af brændefyret keramik med flere udstillinger med åben og gratis adgang for alle.  

Der vil i alt være 8 udstillinger at finde i Skælskør.

  1. Keramik skabt på Guldagergaard i Algade 37
Guldagergaard har fået lov at låne lokalet Algade 37 til denne udstilling. Hvor disse 14 keramikere har tilbragt hele august måned i Skælskør på Guldagergaards værksteder, og ikke mindst ved at brænde værkerne i Guldagergaards brændefyrede ovne. Brændefyring er en langsomlig proces over flere dage.
Udstillingen her viser resultater af deres hårde arbejde. Her vil være mulighed for at se og købe værker – samt på ferniseringsdagen at høre mere om deres tanker og inspiration. 

De udstillende kunstnere er:
Lucie Brisson (Frankrig)
Priscilla Mouritzen (Danmark)
Robert Sanderson (Irland)
Ian Meares (USA)
Luke Sheets (USA)
Darren Cockrell (USA)
Perry Haas (USA)
Anthony Delaney (USA)
Won Baek (Korea)
Sten Lykke Madsen (Danmark)
Mitch Iberg (USA)
Marshall Maude (USA)
Shasta Krueger (USA)
Jin Kim (Korea)

Åbningstider: d. 29.-30. august – alle dage i tidsrummet kl. 10-16 
Fernisering d. 29. august kl. 18
Algade 37 
4230 Skælskør 

  1. ”Working at Ceramic Paradise” 
I det lille galleri i baggården til Bruuns Hjørne vises en brændefyret keramisk udstilling fra Tyskland, og kurateret af den tyske keramiker Markus Boehm. Titlen refererer til et citat fra den amerikanske kunstner Marc Lancet under dennes ophold ved det naturskønne område Alt Gaarz i Tyskland, hvor alle værkerne på denne udstilling er skabt i løbet af de sidste 3 år.
Her vil være værker skabt af Whou Zhou (Kina), Paul Davis (Australien), Marc Lancet (USA), Judith Duff (USA), Chester Nealie (Australien) og Markus Boehm (Tyskland).  Kurator: Markus Boehm  

Åbningstider: d. 29.-30. august – alle dage i tidsrummet kl. 10-16 

Fernisering d. 28. august kl. 18.30
Gammeltorv, 4230 Skælskør 

  1. Creme de la Creme
I det lille galleri i baggården til Bruuns Hjørne vises en brændefyret keramisk udstilling med udvalgte værker fra Guldagergaards samling og er kurateret af Priscilla Mouritzen.

Åbningstider: d. 29.-30. august – alle dage i tidsrummet kl. 10-16 
Fernisering d. 28. august kl. 18.30
Bruuns Hjørne (Indgang igennem porten) 
Gammeltorv 2a 
4230 Skælskør 

4. Gæstekunstnere fra Guldagergaard udstiller i værkstedsbygningen på Guldagergaard
De inviterede talere til konferencen på Guldagergaard udstiller alle deres værker på 1. salen af Guldagergårds værkstedsbygning. 

Blandt de udstillende kunstnere er:
Euan Craig, Australsk keramiker bosat i Japan
Ben Richardson fra Tasmanien, Australien
Stefan Andersson fra Sverige
Markus Böhm fra Tyskland
Chester Nealie fra Australien
Sandy Lockwood fra Australien
Quercy Golsse fra Frankrig
John Neely fra USA
Christian Bruun fra Danmark
Elisa Helland Hansen fra Norge
Shozo Michikawa fra Japan
Perry Haas fra USA
Anne Mette Hjortshøj fra Danmark
Sten Lykke Madsen fra Danmark

Åbningstider: d. 29.-30. august – alle dage i tidsrummet kl. 10-16 

Heilmannsvej 31a, Værkstedsbygningen
4230 Skælskør 

5. De deltagendes udstilling på Guldagergaard
Alle konferencedeltagere har muligheden for at udstille nogle af deres egne værker i studiet på første salen af Guldagergaards værkstedsbygning. 
Da pladsen her vil være begrænset, vil hver deltager få angivet et lille område på 40X70 cm.
Deltagere kommer fra 19 forskellige lande, bl.a. Brasilien, Slovakiet, Bulgarien, Sydkorea, Ungarn, New Zealand, Australien, Irland, Canada, Indien, Finland og Norge. 

Åbningstider: d. 29.-30. august – alle dage i tidsrummet kl. 10-16 
Heilmannsvej 31a, Værkstedsbygningen 
4230 Skælskør 

6. Udstilling med pionererne inden for brændefyret keramik i Æblehuset
I Æblehuset på Guldagergaards er der en enestående mulighed for at se værker udstillet af nogle af det 20ende århundreds mestre inden for brændefyret keramik; Jacqueline Lerat, Frankrig (1920 - 2009); Patrick Sargent, UK (1956 - 1998), Sys Thomsen, DK (1939 - 2000) og Fred Olsen, USA (Født 1939). 
Værkerne er bragt til Guldagergaard i forbindelse med konferencen hvor internationale eksperter skal holde tale om disse kunstnere. Værker kommer fra private samlinger i Danmark, Frankrig og England og er kurateret af Priscilla Mouritzen.
Åbningstider: d. 29.-30. august – alle dage i tidsrummet kl. 10-16 
Guldagergaard, Æblehuset
Heilmannsvej 31a
4230 Skælskør 

 7. Brændefyrede værker fra Guldagergaards samling i Æblehuset
Her vil nogen af de bedste brændefyrede værker fra Guldagergaards store samling blive udstillet.
I de år siden den stor ovn “Embla” blev bygget af Fred Olsen (USA) i 1998 er der kommet mange fantastiske værker ud af dennes rummeligt indre. Der er tale om skandinaviens største ovn og Fred Olsen besøger igen Guldagergaard for at være med til at fejre ovnen ved konferencen.  

Åbningstider: d. 29.-30. august – alle dage i tidsrummet kl. 10-16 
Guldagergaard, Æblehuset lille lokale
Heilmannsvej 31a
4230 Skælskør 
  1. ”Den Gennemsigtige Ovn” 
Den udstilling er afslutningen på et projekt med deltagelse af studerende fra Estland, Letland, Finland og Danmark. De brænder deres keramiske værker i Guldagergaards ”Anagama ovnen”. Projektets tema har været “Fyrtårne”. Efter selve brændingen  bygger de ovnen op igen på ny - denne gang med glas hylder, så flammernes veje igennem ovnen bliver synlige. 
Kurator: Professor Urmas Pukhan (Estland). 
Åbningstider: d. 30. august – i tidsrummet kl. 13-18 
Guldagergaard - Ovnpladsen
Heilmannsvej 31A 
4230 Skælskør 

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Firing Action at the Pre-Conference residency

Ian Meares and Mich Iberg putting the last pieces in the Bourry Box kiln "Skælskør Express"

Lucie Brisson and Shasta Krueger sealing the lid

Robert Sanderson lighting the kiln

The Olsen kiln lies and waits its turn (Packing in less than a week)

Darren Cockrell hands over the stoking to Luke Sheets and Lucie Brisson

Luke Sheets stoking
Cone 12 is soft at the front, cone 9 at the back, 15.30 in the afternoon.....

Exhibitions to be held during the Conference

Exhibitions during the 2nd European Woodfire Conference in Skælskør, Denmark

The following exhibitions are scheduled to be held in and around Guldagergaard, Skælskør during the 2nd European Woodfire Conference, 2014.

Presenters Exhibition
Delegates Exhibition
Woodfire Pioneers Exhibition
"Creme de lá Creme"
Pre-Conference Residents Exhibition
“Working at Ceramic Paradise” - works created at “Alt Gaarz”,Germany
Woodfired works from the Guldagergaard collection
“The Transparent Kiln"
Presenters Exhibition
All presenters at the conference exhibit their work on the window sills and shelves of the larger 1st floor studio, and small auditorium, Guldagergaard.
Euan Craig Japan/Australia
Ben Richardson Australia
Stefan Andersson Sweden
Markus Böhm Germany
Chester Nealie Australia
Sandy Lockwood fra Australia
Quercy Golsse fra France
John Neely fra USA
Christian Bruun Denmark
Elisa Helland Hansen Norway
Shozo Michikawa Japan
Perry Haas USA
Anne Mette Hjortshøj Denmark

Sten Lykke Madsen Denmark

Opening hours:  28th - 30th August
Heilmannsvej 31a
4230 Skælskør

 2. Delegates Exhibition
All delegates at the conference have the opportunity to place examples of their work on tables in the smaller studio on the 1st floor of Guldagergaard. 
Space is limited - 40 X 40 cms per person.

Opening hours:  28th - 30th August
Heilmannsvej 31a
4230 Skælskør

3. Woodfire Pioneers Exhibition
Exhibition of the works of Jacqueline Lerat, Patrick Sargent, Sys Thomsen and Fred Olsen. 
In Æblehuset there is a unique possibility to see works by some of the 20th Century's master in the field of wood fired ceramics. Jacqueline Lerat, Frankrig (1920 - 2009); Patrick Sargent, UK (1956 - 1998), Sys Thomsen, DK (1939 - 2000) and Fred Olsen, USA (Born 1939). 
The works have been brought together on the occasion of the conference when international experts will speak on these artists.The works come from private collections in Denmark, France and England. Curator: Priscilla Mouritzen. 

Opening hours:  28th - 30th August Fernisering: 30th August 18.30
Heilmannsvej 31a
4230 Skælskør

4. Pre- Conference Residents Exhibition
14 Woodfire potters exhibit the results of their month-long residency at Guldagergaard.
The artists are:
Lucie Brisson (Frankrig)
Priscilla Mouritzen (Danmark)
Robert Sanderson (Irland)
Ian Meares (USA)
Luke Sheets (USA)
Darren Cockrell (USA)
Perry Haas (USA)
Anthony Delaney (USA)
Won Baek (Korea)
Sten Lykke Madsen (Danmark)
Mitch Iberg (USA)
Marshall Maude (USA)
Shasta Krueger (USA)

Jin Kim (Korea)
Algade 37
4230 Skælskør
Opening hours: 29th - 30th August 10 - 17 

5. Bruuns Hjørne (Entry through gates

"Creme de lá Creme"
Recent works from the kilns of Guldagergaard

Gammeltorv 2 a
4230 Skælskør
Opening hours: 29th - 30th August 10 - 17
Fernisering: 28th August 18.30

6.“Working at Ceramic Paradise” 
An exhibition of works created at “Alt Gaarz”, Germany. Featuring work by Whou Zhou (PR China), Paul Davis (AUS), Marc Lancet (USA), Judith Duff (USA), Chester Nealie (AUS) and Markus Boehm (DE). Curator: Markus Boehm.

Old Town Hall
4230 Skælskør
Opening hours: 29th - 30th August 10 - 17

Fernisering: 28th August 18.30

7. Woodfired works from the Guldagergaard collection
Som of the best woodfired works from Guldagergaard's big collection will be exhibited.
In the years since the huge kiln “Embla” was built by Fred Olsen (USA) in 1998 many fantastic works have emerged from its commodious innards.  It is Scandinavians largest kiln and Fred Olsen is visiting Guldagergaard again in order to celebrate the kiln at the conference.  

Opening hours: d. 29th - 30th august – 10-16 
Guldagergaard, Æblehuset
Heilmannsvej 31a

4230 Skælskør 

8. “The Transparent Kiln” 
A Baltic/Scandinavian project in which students from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland and Denmark have fired their work in the anagama kiln at Guldagergaard, and recreate the firing immediately afterwards as “The Transparent Kiln” - so that all the secrets of the kiln’s interior will be visible! Curator: Urmas Pukhan (EE)

Kiln Yard, Guldagergaard
Opening hours: 30th August - from 13 - 18

Friday 8 August 2014

Website for the Conference panel: "Reversing the Trend"

Markus Böhm, who will be a member of the panel "Reversing the Trend - Creating Opportunities for Skills Training in Pottery"(moderator Mary Ann Steggles, Canada),which is on the program of the 2nd European Woodfire Conference at 13.00 on Friday 29th August, has set up a site for the panel, giving information and inviting communication both before and after the Conference.


It is possible to follow the on-site instructions and participate actively by contributing to the site: before, during and after the conference!
This is a great initiative, thank you Markus!

Monday 7 July 2014


Now is the time to send in photos for the Photographic Contest for Woodfirers!!
WONDERFUL PRIZES in each category. (small wood-fired collectors items - including work of Warren Mackenzie, Sys Thomsen, Anne-Mette Hjortshøj) 

Organised by "The Log Book"
At the 2nd European Woodfire Conference - 28th - 31st August 2014
International Ceramic Research Center - Guldagergaard
Heilmannsvej 31a
4230 Denmark

Woodfire Photographic Competition in Conjunction with the 2nd European Woodfire Conference in Skælskør, Denmark
Category 1. The View from the Kiln Shed (to include all or part of the kiln)
Category 2. The Kiln
Category 3. Firing
Entry to the competition is confined to delegates attending the 2nd European Woodfire Conference
Images to be e-mailed to:
Closing date: 15th August 2014
There will be an initial short listing of ten images in each category by an experienced panel of judges
These images will be printed and exhibited at the conference
Prizes will be awarded in each category based on voting by delegates
A selection of winning images will be published in a future issue of The Log Book
Images must be of a quality suitable for printing. Format: JPG, approx. 3000 x 2000 pixels, with a file size of approx 3Mb
Everyone attending the conference is encouraged to submit entries for this competition.

Thursday 22 May 2014

Getting to Guldagergaard-ICRC and Skælskør, DK

International Ceramic Research Center - Denmark

Guldagergaard   Heilmannsvej 31 A   4230 Skaelskor   Denmark
T +45 58190016   F +45 58190037  office@ceramic.dk

Information Travel Plan  Airport - Copenhagen - Skælskør

Public Transportation
Travel route by train and bus from Kastrup Airport or Copenhagen Main Station to Skælskør.
The journey takes about 2 hours. Ticket price one way is about 175 DKK. (Train & bus) 

Train: Kastrup Airport - Copenhagen - Slagelse      Bus: Slagelse - Skælskør

Kastrup Airport - Copenhagen (København H) - Slagelse
The train station/ ticket sale is in the arrival hall - with direct train platform access from the hall (platform 2)
You can by a ticket all the way to Skælskør-   same ticket for train and bus - Please make sure, that you get a ticket via Slagelse Station.
You will need to GET OFF IN SLAGELSE to get the 470R BUS to Skaelskør!
The ticket office will give you all travel information and a precise time schedule.

There is a direct train from the airport to Slagelse at about every hour during the day. (The train journey is approximately 1 hour).

Copenhagen Main Station (København H) - Slagelse
Copenhagen Main Station is small. The ticket office will tell you the platform number and give you all information.

The train usually stops at: København H - Høje Taastrup - Roskilde - Ringsted - Sorø - Slagelse -*get off in Slagelse and get the 470R BUS from there to Skaelskør!**

Trains heading for these DESTINATIONS: Odense or Esbjerg or Aalborg or Frederikshavn …(will stop in Slagelse)

Weekdays: København H - last departure: 10.00 pm   to  Slagelse - last arrival: 10.51 pm
Weekend: København H - last departure:   9.00 pm   to  Slagelse - last arrival:  9.51 pm 
During weekends, some trains have no direct connection to the bus in Slagelse, and you may have to wait for one hour.
Please do not miss the last bus connection to Skaelskor from Slagelse Bus Station.

Slagelse Bus Station - Skælskør Bus Station
The bus station is situated right beside to the train station.
Please follow the bus sign, walk through the tunnel passage, and you will find the bus station.

Bus no. 470R:  Slagelse - Skælskør

Weekdays (one bus every hour):  Slagelse Bus Station - last departure: 10.59 pm   to  Skælskør - last arrival: 11.33 pm
Weekend:  Slagelse Bus Station - last departure:  9.59 pm    to  Skælskør - last arrival: 10.33 pm

You are now in Skælskør
Guldagergaard is about a 15 minute walk from the bus station. See the walking map enclosed!
The bus driver might be able to show you the way - and the Danes usually understand English.
There is no telephone at the bus station in Skaelskor.
The bus station is actually a defunct historic train station, it has been decommissioned as the train no longer runs to Skælskør. DO not be alarmed that it is boarded up;)

Enjoy the journey from the city through the country side to the small town – Skælskør

Thursday 15 May 2014

Preliminary Program: 2nd European Wood Fire Conference

Preliminary Program of Speakers, Events, and Exhibitions at Guldagergaard-ICRC
**may be subject to change**
August 28th - 31st, 2014
REGISTER: office@ceramic.dk
Early-Bird Registration DEADLINE
June 15th: 1950 DKK 
Students: 450 DKK 
(with proof of enrollment)
After June 15th: 2450 DKK
After July 15th: 2950 DKK
On-site Registration: 2950 DKK

Will be posted 18th AUGUST

Registration form for the Woodfire Conference

Hello Wood Fire Conference enthusiasts!
Please make sure to REGISTER for the Conference! In order to attend, please send the REGISTRATION FORM filled out to: office@ceramic.dk
Or simply email me, and I will send the form along to you: office@ceramic.dk

2nd European Wood Fire Conference: Registration Form


State/Zip Code:

Date of Birth:

Dates of the Conference: 28th - 31st August 2014

Are you an enrolled full-time student:

Price of Wood Fire Conference:
Select 1:

___ 1950 DKK (includes 1 dinner, 2 lunches)
____ Vegetarian Option
___ 450 DKK (enrolled full-time student)
**students must submit verified enrollment form with a Signature from professor to be eligible**

Payment Options:
(Check One)
**please put a memo with your payment**
Your Name/WOODFIRE CONFERENCE/registration 2014”

____PayPal Payment: Ceramic@ceramic.dk
____Bank Transfer:

Bank Transfer Details:
Name on Account: Guldagergaard-International Ceramic Research Center
Danske Bank
Algade 25

4230 Skælskør
Account: (3523) 3523 1246 17
IBAN: DK46 3000 3523 1246 17 

CVR: 28 22 08 20
Reg. nr.: 3523
Acct: 3523124617

Accommodation is not provided as part of the conference.